Agenda 2030 - Gli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile


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Trovati 12 documenti.

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PPP & private capital for sustainable infrastructure and smart cities
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Libri Moderni

Gervasoni, Anna <1961- > - Lertora, Michele - Pascarelli, Gugliemo

PPP & private capital for sustainable infrastructure and smart cities / Anna Gervasoni, Michele Lertora, Guglielmo Pascarelli ; contributions from the ExSUF Committe: Giampiero Bambagioni ... [et al.]

Milano : Guerini Next, 2022

Abstract: This work, fruit of the research activities of the Centre of Excellence on sustainable finance for infrastructure and smart cities (ExSUF), set up in 2021 from the «Committee on Housing and Land Management» of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and from LIUC – Cattaneo University, aims to describe the state of the art in the regulations and principle features and definitions of sustainable finance and smart cities, analyzing the classical schemes of project financing and PPPs and highlighting the present scenario in which public and private actors, and, in particular, private capital entities move. By means of a market analysis of PPPs in Italy and thanks to requests coming from discussions with practitioners and sector experts, the text concludes by showing how classical PPPs models have to evolve to guarantee flexibility and to promote constructive dialogue between public entities and the private sector with the goal of identifying new financial and design metrics and new ways of putting them into practice.

The Peter F. Drucker reader
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Libri Moderni

Drucker, Peter F.

The Peter F. Drucker reader : selected articles from the father of modern management thinking / Peter F. Drucker

Boston : Harvard Business School Press, 2017

The missing entrepreneurs 2014
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Libri Moderni

European commission - OCSE

The missing entrepreneurs 2014 : policies for inclusive entrepreneurship in Europe / European Commission, OECD

Paris : OECD Publishing, 2014

Job creation and local economic development
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Libri Moderni


Job creation and local economic development / OECD

Paris : OECD Publishing, 2014

OECD studies on SMEs and entrepreneurship
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Libri Moderni


OECD studies on SMEs and entrepreneurship : Italy : key issues and policies / Organisation for economic co-operation and development

Parigi : OECD Publishing, [2014?]

Guidelines and recommendations on innovative learning models for secondary education and vocational educational training
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Libri Moderni

Commissione Europea

Guidelines and recommendations on innovative learning models for secondary education and vocational educational training : E-CoP project / European Commission, Lifelong Learning Programme

Milano : Centro METID, 2011

Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013 / Commissione Europea

Better Regulation in Europe
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Libri Moderni

Better Regulation in Europe : Portugal 2010 / Organisation for economic co-operation and development

Paris : OECD, c2010

Better Regulation in Europe / Organisation for economic co-operation and development

Better Regulation in Europe
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Libri Moderni

Better Regulation in Europe : Sweden 2010 / Organisation for economic co-operation and development

Paris : OECD, c2010

Better Regulation in Europe / Organisation for economic co-operation and development

Better Regulation in Europe
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Libri Moderni


Better Regulation in Europe : Austria 2010 / Organisation for economic co-operation and development

Paris : OECD, c2010

Better Regulation in Europe / Organisation for economic co-operation and development

0 0
Libri Moderni

Technoscientific innovation : responsibility and new models of democracy in science and society relationship / edited by Giuseppe Pellegrini

Soveria Mannelli : Rubbettino, 2008

Libri della Fondazione Giannino Bassetti

El fomento de las inversiones internacionales en el sector de la pequena y mediana empresa de America Latina
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Libri Moderni

Brugnoli, Alberto

El fomento de las inversiones internacionales en el sector de la pequena y mediana empresa de America Latina : Informe final / Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Alberto Brugnoli


Essays on the economics and management of innovation
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Libri Moderni

Zucchella, Antonella - Università degli Studi di Pavia

Essays on the economics and management of innovation / Antonella Zucchella

Pavia : Iuss Press, 2004